Physical Therapy no longer requires a referral to start. Why not start with the specialists who work with your type of pain day in and day out? Starting with a physical therapy allows for a more direct and effective approach to getting you back to being your pain free self.
Are you aware that you can come directly to Freedom Physical Therapy before seeing another health care provider? And your insurance will cover it! So long are the days where you must do the run around through the medical system to receive a referral for conservative care.
At Freedom PTTC we desire to help you break free from pain, be free from doubt and have the freedom to succeed in all that you do. That includes providing efficient conservative health care with passion, purpose, and promise. We will not treat you if you don’t belong here we do not want to waste your time or money.
Although direct access for physical therapy is an option, it’s important that you use discernment. If you are sick, have broken bones, have been in an accident, have lost more than 20lbs unexpectedly, or have other medical symptoms that are not muscular or mechanical in nature, go see a medical doctor. If you aren’t sure, just give us a call. We are happy to answer your questions.