Have a question about our training center, want to sign up for your a discovery visit, or to schedule a physical therapy appointment? Connect with us!
Nagging pain?
Sick of being confused?
Tired of having to stop?
Want proven RESULTS?
*A Discovery Visit is a 15 minute free consultation for runners who are interested in a full running assessment.
The running athlete is under-served and difficult to treat. At Freedom PTTC, we use science and cutting edge technology to answer the questions that no one else can. There is no one like us in the midwest.
Running is a repetitive sport. Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results is insanity. - Einstein. If you are plagued with injuries (every runner) it is probably not your shoes... or inserts.
Combine pressure mapping with force production (every action has an equal and opposite reaction = ground reaction force) to muscles utlization picked up by EMG with slow motion video for biomechanical compensations. Head to toe assessment of joint movement, muscle strength, running history, full written report.
Depending on your RA your treatment will start at one of three phases.
1: Neuromuscular Education (Teaching your brain how to fire certain muscles).
2: Double Limb to Single Limb strengthening.
3: Biomechanical Running Retraining.
Fill out the form below to get the process started! This lets us know you’re looking for help. As soon as you fill out the form, you’ll be prompted to book a free consultation phone call.
You and a member from our team will have a free 15-minute phone call. On the call, we will ask about your goals and help figure out what we can do to help!
You’ll meet with our owner, Dr. Donny Dequine, in-person to determine which program at Freedom would be a good fit for you. Once you’ve found your ideal path, it’s time to get started!
I’ve struggled over the last couple years to find something that works for me. But this is different, you get classes that are tailored towards you to reach your personal goals, and I like that. Now, with Freedom in my life I’m looking forward to staying healthy for myself and my kids.
Donny is awesome!! I had surgery on my ankle to repair ligaments and remove a bone chip, and Donny has been great to work with. He makes coming very fun and is super pacient. It has a very welcoming environment and the staff is super friendly. He teaches me strategies to becoming a better athlete, and explains things thoroughly so I understand what I'm doing when I'm doing it.